Your Room Inn Room Amenities
The following amenities are in your guestroom. If you are looking for something you do not see here, contact the Front Desk and we would be happy to be of assistance.
- Free Wi-Fi
- 55-inch Smart TV
- Bluetooth alarm clock
- USB power ports
- Wake-up service (available upon request)
- Custom Italian linens
- Keurig coffee maker (with 2 decaf and 2 regular coffee pods)
- Butler's pantry
- Mini Refrigerator
- Built-in wardrobe with hangers
- Sitting area
- Gas fireplace
- Walk-in shower
- Beekman 1802 (shampoo, conditioner, body wash and bar soap)
- Plush bathrobes
- Hairdryer
- Iron/ironing board
- Make-up remover, cotton balls, and Q-tips
- Shower cap
- Personal Safe
- Ice Bucket (bagged ice is available in a cooler on each guestroom floor)
- Wine Glasses & opener
- Drycleaning bag
- Coffee mugs

Butler Cabinets
Your private butler pantry is located next to the main door of your guestroom. Deliveries, such as room service or requested items, will be placed into the cabinet from the outside and you will be informed of their arrival with a knock on your door.
There is no need to open your guestroom door, just locate the butler pantry cabinet door inside your room and retrieve your delivery. For room service, please place the tray back into the pantry once you are done and it will be retrieved by our team.
The interior of the cabinet locks and unlocks by pressing the silver button in the corner of the cabinet.
HVAC Instructions
If you need to adjust the climate controls of your room, follow the set of instructions via the link below.
View Instructions
Unique Themes
Inn at 500 has 57 themed rooms, and each theme has a significance to Boise and its surroundings. From nods to the beloved Egyptian Theater downtown, to highlighting local Basque culture, to celebrating the City of Trees, each theme uniquely tells the story of our community.

Your Key Card
Our hotel offers secure access to guestroom floors, amenities, and guestrooms.
Your room key will be needed to gain access to your guestroom floor in the elevator as well as in the stairwell and needed to access the fitness center and exterior of the building after to 11:00 pm. Exterior doors unlock at 6:00 am
To use, hold the key flat against the black key reader until the light turns green, then either select your floor or open the door.
To connect to your complimentary high-speed wireless:
Connect to “Innat500”
If your device doesn’t open the login page for you automatically, open your web browser (Chrome, Safari, NOT Firefox) and go to
Click the “I Agree” button on the page